
Rayanne + Zak

*Do not copy. All images copyright Kate Fisher Photogoraphy
I had never been to Weirton, WV so I didn’t know quite what to expect… after my navigation (who I’ve lovingly named Philip) took me to the middle of nowhere it was time to break out the atlas. We finally arrived at the beautiful Williams Country Club for the wedding rehearsal. Let me tell you, this place had a gorgeous view. I was greeted by the sweetest family and FINALLY introduced to my couple, Rayanne and Zak. I learned a lot about both sides of the family, my bride and groom as well as the wedding party that evening so I knew I was in for a great wedding day… Great people make my job fabulous!
To say it was hot was the understatement of the year, and even though the ceremony had to be moved indoors it didn’t dampen any moods. Everyone was in such good spirits while they piled into the new ceremony space. As I tell all my brides, SOMETHING WILL GO “WRONG,” but no worries because at the end of the day you’ll be married and everything else will work itself out. This situation proved that theory to be true. Not only were they just as married as they would’ve been had their ceremony been outdoors, I’m pretty sure the guests were thrilled to be in the ac.
Rayanne was definitely my kind of girl! She wanted to take as many photos in as many places around the grounds as we could. Zak did as any sweet husband would and did whatever would make his new wife happy... He was a good sport to say the least. I got about an hour with the couple alone after doing all the family and wedding party shots and it was wonderful!

The night ended with some great dancing, sweet moments and the most insane cake smash I’ve ever seen. You should've seen the "you're about to get it" look on Zak's face right before... too funny! I drove over eight hours round trip to be able to shoot for Rayanne and Zak but would’ve driven twice that much to be able to work with such an amazing couple!

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